The 500th patent was issued for a “Wind Turbine Rotor Blade with Aerodynamic Winglet” to General Electric Company (patent no. 8,029,241). This is the 116th patent General Electric has secured through the USPTO’s Green Technology Pilot Program.
Overall, program statistics show that the Green Tech Pilot has been a success. Inventors participating in the program have obtained patents much more quickly as compared to the standard examination process. Currently, the average time between granting of a green technology petition and first office action on the merits is just 68 days. In many instances, applicants have had their Green Technology inventions patented in less than one year from the application filing date.
In a related press release, Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO David Kappos stated, “USPTO is proud to play a role in accelerating socially conscious technologies in emerging fields like alternative fuels, clean energy, and green technology. By advancing a commitment to building a more sustainable energy future the agency is able to spur additional innovation and promote green collar jobs that provide our world with alternatives to harmful energy practices.”
For inventors and companies interested in the program, the USPTO extended the deadline for filing petitions to December 31, 2011.
At Sheldon Mak & Anderson, we recognize that innovation is your competitive edge – and it needs protection. As a full-service intellectual property firm with more than two decades of experience, we provide local, regional, national, and international legal services in the following areas: patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, IP litigation, international patent and trademark prosecution, licensing, alternative dispute resolution, and green technology.
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